4 Plants That Deter Pests


“Nasturtiums are a beautiful edible flower. Add it to salads or decorate a cake with them. Plus, as they grow, they will help keep the aphids and beetles off your plants.”


“A lavender sachet in your dresser will lightly scent your clothing and help keep moths and fleas away.”


“Marigolds will keep a vast array of bugs off your garden plants and add a pop of cheerful color to a sea of green.”


“Rosemary is a deterrent to mosquitos. Throw it on the BBQ to add a well rounded flavor to your food and chase off pesky mosquitos at the same time!”


 In the pursuit of a home and garden free of unwanted bugs (not all bugs are bad!), I have compiled a list of my personal favorite plants that naturally have a pest deterring effect.

  • There is nothing quite as disheartening as pulling out my winter sweaters during the change of seasons only to discover that some bug has been snacking on my cashmere.  There is no way to patch a detailed knit sweater with a hole right in the middle of the belly. If the bug had been more considerate of the price of cashmere, it would have chosen a better location to eat on.

Along with cedar, lavender is another great choice for packing away your winter sweaters as spring makes it’s appearance. A lavender sachet in your dresser (or plastic tote) will lightly scent your clothing and help keep moths and fleas away.

  • Have you ever heard of nasturtiums? These happy little flowers are a new addition to my raised gardens this year. Nasturtiums are a beautiful edible flower. Add it to salads or decorate a cake with them. Plus, as they grow, they will help keep the aphids and beetles off your plants. Pretty, edible and helpful, these plants are very easy to start from seed. Be warned, however, they don’t taste like sugar, they are slightly salad-tasting. Know that if you put them on top of something sweet, they may shock your taste buds a bit. You can sugar them or make them candied ahead of time if you desire them to taste appropriate on top of  a dessert.

  • Oh, the marigold. When I was little, our elderly neighbor would always deliver a packet of marigold seeds in early spring. He would graciously hand us the envelope containing the precious dried flower starts with a beaming smile and tell us of the miraculous benefits of the marigold. He would then recite an old children’s poem about the happy, bright flower (how I wish I had written that poem down somewhere!). Marigolds will keep a vast array of bugs off your garden plants and add a pop of cheerful color to a sea of green. Tomatoes and marigolds are like soul mates. Plant them together!

  • BBQ season is on its way and DEMANDS fresh rosemary. I will always and forever have this herb on hand. I use the companion planting technique and place it next to specific plants to help ward off certain bugs. My rosemary is currently located next to my cauliflower and cabbage. Plant it once and it will continue to grow each year into a beautiful, full shrub. Rosemary is a deterrent to mosquitos. Throw it on the BBQ to add a well rounded flavor to your food and chase off pesky mosquitos at the same time! It is officially on my summer outdoor entertaining list.

Do you know of any other pest deterring plant tips and tricks? I’d love to try some more.


Locally Owned Business: White Trail Produce


How to Make a Raised Garden With Your Kids